Kazuko Takahashi


~ A life of love and caring, so well and beautifully lived ~

Kazuko Takahashi was the Heart and Hearth of Community Alternatives co-op where she lived for 45 years, and the last of the original founding members.  Very much the keeper of the stories of the intention and founding of CAC/FCFC, she was able to be a bridge between the generations that lived in the community over the decades.

Kaz was a registered nurse who spent time with the Royal Canadian Air Force Reserves before enjoying a successful career as a public health nurse. Her life was not defined by her career but it enabled her to make independent choices for herself such as taking early retirement so she could travel more and enjoy life in the community. Travel was an adventure and a door to understanding how others lived in the world. It was also a way to connect with her own heritage when over a number of years, she travelled to gatherings in countries where there was a Japanese diaspora. She developed many lifelong relationships through the community, and through her travels around the world.

Not one ounce a materialist, Kaz enjoyed a life of living simply. Anyone wandering past the garden in front of the co-op might find her in the garden where an easy conversation would inevitably take place. Rather than spend money on herself, Kaz was quietly a philanthropist, offering support to the Fraser Common farm, and the myriad other regional, national and international charities and social justice groups such as Eco-Justice, Inter Pares the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and the Vancouver Foundation.

Kaz’s way of living simply also embraced the expression of grace and beauty through her Ikebana arrangements and daily practice of Qi gong or Tai chi.

Her life was one in which she shared joy and love with all those she encountered. Her vitality, wisdom, peacefulness, humility, generosity, and warm heart attracted everyone to come close.

from Ken McCormick

In your mind
There is a life
Of thoughtfulness and
Good judgement.

In your voice
There is a song
Of kindness
And respect.

In your heart
There is beating
The rhythm of us all
Dancing together.

In your feet
The ground rises up
To meet the roots
Of your wisdom.

With you
We are not just
You and I.

We become


Video: by Peco Takedo

– a short documentary based on the video footage recorded in 2019 (in preparation for the CAC’s 40th anniversary). In the video, Kaz is sharing inspiring stories about the origin of Community Alternatives, her wisdom on living together, her philosophy of gardening.

The video can be accessed here:

The Circles: Kaz Takahashi and the Community Alternatives (approx. 20 mins)